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ارسال همزمان مقاله به دیگر کنفرانس‌ها و مجلات مجاز نمی‌باشد و موجب رد شدن مقاله (در هر مرحله که مشخص شود) خواهد شد.

لازم است مقالات در قالب PDF و Word (حداکثر 7 صفحه) مطابق قالب صفحه‌بندی که در سایت کنفرانس آورده شده است ارسال شود.


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The PSPC2016 is a live conference that depends on the presentations given during their sessions, and discussion after the talks and in the breaks. Authors who fail to present their paper leave a gap in the program, which is unacceptable for the conference audience.


The IEEE has implemented policies to exclude authors who do not present their paper from further distribution of their publication, such as exclusion from IEEE Xplore. Such papers will be archived at IEEE but will not be indexed or appear in IEEE Xplore.


PSPC2016 balances the interests of a high quality conference with fairness towards the authors and audience members. Therefore, IEEE PSPC2016 apply this policy, and reserve the right to preclude authors who do not present their paper at the conference from having their papers published in IEEE Xplore.